Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rawalpindi Information

The material remained found on the site of the city of Rawalpindi prove the existance of a Buddhist establishment contemporary to Taxila but less celebrated than its neighbor does. It appears that the Ancient city went into oblivation as a result of the Hun devastation.The first Muslim endeavor, Mahmood of Ghazni (979-1030 AD) gifted the ruined city to a Ghakkar Chief, Kai Gohar. The town, however being on indavours route, could not prosper and remain deserted until Jahanda Khan, another Ghakkar Chief, resorted it and gave the name of Rawalpindi after the village Rawal in 1943 AD. Rawalpindi remained under the rule of Ghakkars till Muqrab Khan, the last Ghakkar ruler, was defeated by Sikhs in 1765 AD. Sikhs invited traders from other places to settle here. This brought the city into prominence. Sikhs lost the city to British Army and they established a contonment south of the old city. In 1879 , the Punjab northern Railway was extented to Rawalpindi but the train service was formally inagurated on January 01, 1886.

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